The plans aren't that clear on how to mark the lazarette hatch opening.
Its only 9" wide, and has what the plans call a 7 1/2" radius (concave
shaped) top, but the drawing that gives you that information doesn't have
the height of the top corners of the hatch opening. It does show
that the top corners come up to the seat level, which on another drawing
is 11" up from the bottom. Marking two lines 4 1/2" on either side
of the centerline established the sides of the hatch opening, and then
a mark on each line 11" from the bottom marked the top corners of the radius.
To make the arc of the radius, I took a piece of scrap and drove a finish
nail through it 7 1/2" from one end. I located this nail on the centerline
high enough so the end of the scrap intersected one of the top corners,
as shown in the picture. Then, guiding a pencil along the edge of
the scrap, I made an arc by rotating the scrap towards the other side mark.
Made a nice arc.
I was able to cut this out easily enough by drilling some holes along
each line to allow a jig saw access. I cut the opening while leaning
over the transom, which wasn't difficult at all (it might be harder with
the seats in, though.) |